Presenter: Robert Fischer
What you’ll be getting for your time
- j2ee friendly intro to grails
- tour of grails functionality
- practical day-to-day insights on using grails
- live coding demo
- argument for a single assertion: all enterprise web app development should be in grails
- stunningly simple development
- succinct code using a superset of java
- sane defaults, straight-forward configuration
- all the stuff you always use is pre-bundled
- typing as deemed useful by developer
- standard java deployment approach
- springsource backed and here to stay
- no need to worry about it going away
- big community behind it that was around even before springsource acquisition
What is Grails?
- web app dev framework and environment leveraging java and groovy
- environment is often overlooked
- easy to do development with vi and bash–need for IDE isn’t all that huge
- convention-based mvc development framework
- ruby on rails really introduced the idea of convention over configuration
- grails takes this idea and applies it in the java space
- powerful command-line tools
- powered by pre-configured and pre-integrated spring, hibernate, sitemesh, junit, etc.
- all the technologies you are or should be using
How would you like your grails?
- conceptually think dynamic mvc framework
- dynamic, succinct domain and controllers
- view technology works naturally with html
- run from source code check-out
- new features via extensible plugin architecture
- even the stuff built into grails is based on plugin architecture
- actually approachable best-of-breed java stack
- prepackaged java build system
- builds a war to plug into existing deployments
- hooks for existing spring and hibernate configs
- support for other enterprise technologies
How does Grails fit the Enterprise?
- what is the enterprise?
- some people see this as “established, extensible, dependable”
- some people see this as “bloated”
- unique qualities of enterprise dev
- large-scale apps with application ownership flux
- people coding and gathering requirements on app will change over time
- existence of user-developers
- people who want/need to use your code but don’t want to know how the code works internally
- google “robert fischer free toilet” to see his rant
- out-of-control infrastructure
- literal meaning: infrastructure I the developer don’t have control over
- don’t have access to production databases, etc.
- can also mean out-of-control in terms of there being a lot of different systems that the app needs to tie into
- literal meaning: infrastructure I the developer don’t have control over
- large-scale apps with application ownership flux
How does Grails fit in?
- large-scale and ownership flux
- conventional development
- common style so doesn’t matter who wrote the code originally
- built-in testing
- strongly encourages writing of tests–major way to deal with ownership flux
- groovy
- more succinct language, easier to read
- conventional development
- existence of user-developers
- plugin architecture
- “experts” can build plugins that “users” can leverage
- direct java lib interaction
- don’t have to think about how grails deals with the java class you just imported–it’s java
- plugin architecture
- out-of-control infrastructure
- big win here is Spring
Architecture of Grails
- groovy
- Model
- Hibernate
- can plug in other persistence mechanisms (JPA, Hadoop, CouchDB, etc.)
- View
- GSP/Taglibs
- taglibs are nice, straight-forward way to extend the codebase–much simpler than Java taglibs
- sitemesh
- GSP/Taglibs
- Controller
- Grails controllers
- Spring MVC
- pervasive
- spring DI
- spring transactions
- servlet api
- junit
- ant (gant)
- log4j
- web.xml
- if you want other technology than listed above, there’s probably a plugin that does what you want
- functional testing
- G-Func, Canoo Webtest, Selenium, Fitnesse
- Grails-UI, RichUI, GWT, Flex, YUI, IUI (for iPhone)
- Database Management
- autobase — runs database migrations
- rails migrations plugin (you don’t want rails migrations!)
- background tasks
- BackgroundThread, Quartz
- tons more —
- rating system but don’t put too much credit in it
- manages database state using a non-linear collection of database change sets
- Rails migrations are a linear path
- assumes developer who made previous changes will be making future changes
- Rails migrations are a linear path
- leverages existing grails database automation to minimize effort
- uses HBM -> DDL
- HBM -> DDL assumes everything will be non-destructive
- autobase handles destructive changes
- uses embedded dsl in groovy; allows for things like dropColumn(), renameColumn()
- provides a spring bean that executes arbitrary closures in the background
- handles some awkwardness with hibernate sessions, provides thread logging and pooling
- transactional actions in controllers
- services are transactional
- .query — shorthand for .executeQuery
- aggregate properties on domain classes
- property errors on nested domain classes
- human-readable messages
SubLog and Testing Labs
- SubLog = Sublime Logging
- static ‘log’ properties
- by default logging is available only on instances of objects
- dynamic ‘log’ properties
- strips off slf4j and gives more direct access for log4j
- static ‘log’ properties
- testing labs
- controller integration test case support
Your Grails Adoption Plan
- start with a roughly green-field proof of concept web application
- grails for reporting on an existing database is a great avenue for this
- replace/supplement a service with grails
- making grails an endpoint for an ESB
- use GRAG on SourceForge to generate a db front-end
- wrap an existing Java or PHP web app in grails and use web.xml (installed via “grails install-templates”) to map existing URLs to servlets
- use url mappings to add new functionality in grails (e.g. http://myapp/g/newStuff)
- PHP plugin gives you a PHP engine as a servlet–runs existing PHP code
- do it and don’t tell anyone
- ends up as a WAR
- ask forgiveness later
- live open source apps
- Grails Crowd
- Groovy Blogs
- Groovy Tweets
- media
- Groovy, Grails, Griffon podcast
- GroovyMag
Live Coding/Q&A
- anything you want to use in multiple apps, write as a plugin
- grails generate-plugin PluginName
- a plugin IS a grails application
- only difference is it has a XXXGrailsPlugin.groovy file
- plugin sizes are minimal addition to WAR files
- once you’re done, do grails pacakge-plugin
- creates a zip file containing the plugin
- can do grails install-plugin zipfilename
- need to set up a repository for plugins
- when you go to production, it bundles the plugin into the war
- note that plugins aren’t included in your application’s source–so need to point to a repository or figure out how to include those in source control
- existing ant tasks can be plugged straight into gant
- taglibs
- easy to create and use
- grails create-tag-lib taglibName
- can take in attributes and the body between the opening and closing tag
- e.g. def mytag = { attrs, body -> … do stuff … }
- by default taglibs go into g prefix, e.g. <g:myTag/>
- define a namespace in the tag library to give it a prefix other than g (static namespace = “whatever”)