Nothing to distribute quite yet, but I’m psyched that I just successfully hit an index.cfm in my nascent CFML plugin for Grails. What this means is that (when it’s done anyway) you’ll be able to run CFML from within a Grails application.
Why is this cool? Partially just because it’s fun to mess around with, but there are several practical reasons as well. Here’s a few off the top of my head:
- Leverage the power of Grails for building the model and controller layer of an application while using CFML for the view
- Integrate existing CFML functionality or entire CFML applications within the context of a Grails application
- Write hybrid Grails and CFML applications, mixing and matching CFML and Groovy/Grails code in various sections of the application
- Use Grails URL mappings to hit CFML or Groovy code based on URL patterns
Creating the plugin was actually relatively simple. The Grails plugin architecture is amazingly powerful and easy to use, and after Graeme Rocher’s two sessions on plugin development today at SpringOne2GX I at least had an idea of how this would be accomplished. I created a new Grails plugin project, dropped the Open BlueDragon JAR files into the Grails plugin’s lib directory, defined the servlets, servlet mappings, and a few other things in the Grails plugin config file, and a basic index.cfm file was processed fine.
I’m still thinking through all the possibilities and potential problems I might run into with this but at least it’s limping along. Exciting stuff, and shows the extreme power of the Grails plugin architecture.
Very eager to see where this goes! Just stumbled again upon your post, and Graeme Rocher's comment at the bottom, suggesting this approach, really looks like a potential light at the end of the tunnel of this crisis.