CronPlugin for OpenBD

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The CronPlugin makes the management and scheduling of tasks much easier within OpenBD.

Inspired from the simplicity of the /etc/cron.d/ subdirectories, this plugin brings the ease of that method to the CFML developer by allowing them to simply drop files into pre-defined folders that will be automatically run, without needing to wrestle with external scheduling jobs or CFSCHEDULE.

The plugin will automatically create the necessary directories if they do not already exist. You set this directory by making a call to CronSetDirectory(). This directory location will persist over server restarts.

For example making a call with:


will create the following directory structure within the web app directory.


After this, you can simply drop .cfm files into each of these directories and they will be run at the allocated time. There is no need to restart the engine, or re-call the CronSetDirectory(); it will automatically be picked up.

Everytime the plugin executes one of these files at the desired time, a copy of the output is retained. Within the OpenBD working directory, a similiar structure is created but under the plugin-cron directory, where you can view the results of each file.

This plugin triggers the main OpenBD CFML engine directly, without having to go out and back in via HTTP. This makes it highly efficient and removes a lot of the overhead associated with other schedule methods.

This plugin operates with the nightly build post 4th March 2010 and can be installed by simply copying the .jar file into the /WEB-INF/lib/ folder of your web app.

[download the plugin]

Pages in category “CronPlugin”

This category contains only the following page.


Another awesome plugin for OpenBD. Some really slick possibilities here, and my favorite thing is that FINALLY we have a way to run scheduled tasks without them simply being a scheduled HTTP call. The CronPlugin processing the CFML code in the engine directly.

Note that this doesn’t replace the traditional scheduling, but it’s another option that will work really well for a lot of use cases.

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