Speaker: Ken Kousen – Kousen IT, Inc.
- currently working on book for Manning: "Java and Groovy: The Sweet Spots"
- "Java is really good for tools and infrastructure. Groovy is good for pretty much everything else."
Two Flavors of Web Services
- SOAP based
- SOAP wrapper for payload
- much like an XML API on a system
- makes header elements available
- lots of automatic code generation–tools are very mature
- stubs, skeletons, proxies, etc. are all written for you
- sprinkle annotations into your codebase to get a web service out of it
- REST based
- everything is an addressable resource (uri)
- leverage http transport
- uniform interface (get, post, put, delete)
- a lot of rest web services available today aren't truly restful–e.g. amazon web services where you have to specify the operation name
- just invoking methods over the web using URLs, but the request type doesn't matter
- REST -> Representational State Transfer
- term coined by Roy Fielding in PhD thesis (2000), "Architectural Styles and Design of Network-Based Software Architectures" (available in HTML online; very readable and thought-provoking)
- one of the founders of the Apache Software Foundation
- on the team that came up with the spec for HTTP
- Idempotent
- repeated requests give the same result
- get, put, and delete requests are meant to be idempotent
- POST is not meant to be idempotent
- e.g. on put–if you're supposed to get the same result every time, the assumption is that you'd know the uri you're applying this to every time
- the ID will be in the request somehow
- assumption here is that you know what the ID is going to be before you do the insert
- having the ID ahead of time probably isn't going to happen in the real world
- most people wind up doing POST for inserts and PUT for updates
- "safe" is another term that comes into play–requests do not change the state of the server
- GET requests should never change the state of the server
- Content negotiation
- each resource can have multiple representaitons
- e.g. xml or json?
- request will state which representation it wants
- RESTful client
- asemble url with query string
- select the http request verb
- select the content type
- transmit request
- process results
- Steps for rest above are more cumbersome than SOAP since SOAP does a lot of this for you. With REST you have to deal with all of this yourself.
- where groovy comes into play, is that it's augmented a lot of these classes to make this easier
- groovy also shines when you get the results back
EXAMPLE: Google Geocoder
- The Google Geocoding API — converts address info for latitude, longitude
- Base URL is http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/output?parameters
- output is XML or JSON
- parameters include
- url encoded physical address
- sensor = true | false (indicates whether or not the request is coming from a GPS-enabled device)
- Groovy makes it easy to assemble a query string
- map of parameters, then collect and join, then deal with the xml
def url = base + [sensor:false, address:[loc.street, loc.city, loc.state].collect { v -> URLEncoder.encode(v, 'UTF-8') }.join(',+')].collect {k,v -> "$k=$v"}.join('&')
def response = new XmlSlurper().parse(url)
- simple read-only web services are a natural fit for REST, even if a lot of other web services in your organization are SOAP
- get, post, put, and delete also map very naturally to sql verbs, so simple data management apps are natural for rest
- content negotiation based on URL, e.g. http://…/xml for xml, http://…/json for json
Twitter API
- closer to true REST
- in the middle of changing their API again
- have been supporting basic authentication with base64 encoding for years, which isn't encrypted
- twitter API is http://dev.twitter.com/doc
- twitter is oauth only now
HTTP Clients
- simple http client in groovy — java.net.URL class
- get is easy, just access the url
- def xml = new URL(base).text — returns the text of the entire page
- post, put, and delete in groovy are similar to java
Building a RESTful Service
- design your URL strategy
- what are URLs going to mean, what are http verbs going to mean
- sample url strategy
- http://…/songs
- get returns all songs
- post adds a new song
- put, delete not used on this url
- http://…/songs/id
- get — return a specific song
- post — not used
- put — update song with given id
- delete — remove song with given id
- groovy servlet — groovy class that responds to an http request
- easy to configure
- provides access to the http methods
- markup builder called html
- set up the groovy servlet in web.xml
- showing code for the various operations in the groovlet
- main tools we have in groovy for restful web services are the xml slurper and markup builder–makes all this very simple
What does Java bring to the table?
- one of groovy's principles is to not reinvent stuff that's available in java
- inevitable that there's a performance penalty for using groovy
- nice thing is you can mix and match groovy with java and use what's appropriate for individual portions of the application
- JSR311 – JAX-RS
- currently JAX-WS is part of Java EE 5 but also part of Java SE 1.6
- specification for JAX-RS — part of Java EE 6
Libraries for HTTP
- apache http client
- groovy http builder
- rest client available in the groovy http builder
- typical for groovy: take a java library and make it easier/build on it
- grails apps make REST easy
- can set up mappings to map urls to controllers/methods — this is built in
- xml marhsalling is dead simple in grails — just use "render foo as XML"
- works great for xml that doesn't go too deep
- can always use the markup builder
Downside to REST
- No WSDL, therefore no proxy generation tools
- all hand-written code for the plumbing
- WADL: Web Application Description Language
- attempt to create WSDL for REST
- slowly gaining acceptance but not common yet
- attempt to do for REST what JAX-WS does for SOAP
- Jersey — reference implementation for JAX-RS
- annotation based
- groovy makes it very easy to build URLs with query strings, invoke urls and get responses, and parse xml response
- groovy works with JAX-RS reference implementation