After tearing through several other Django books and tutorials using sqlite3 as the database, I’m starting to go through the book Beginning Django E-Commerce and it uses MySQL as the database. I use MySQL quite a lot so that side of things isn’t an issue, but I did run into a couple of wrinkles getting MySQL and Django playing nice so I thought I’d share.
Basically if after configuring your database in and running python dbshell you get a bunch of errors, you have a minor amount of installation work to do to get things rolling.
First thing I did was install pip, which is a better version of/replacement for easy_install:
sudo easy_install pip
Next I ran pip upgrade for good measure (probably not necessary but can’t hurt, and worth running if you already had pip installed):
sudo pip install pip –upgrade
On my machine (Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit) I also had to build the dependencies for the python-mysqldb libraries:
sudo apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb
And finally with that in place you can use pip to install the Python MySQL libraries:
sudo pip install MySQL-python
If everything worked you should now be able to run python dbshell from your Django project and have it load up the MySQL console.
what about ubuntu 12.10
python 2.7
i still facing trouble after following these steps